State of Haryana
Capital: Chadigarh
Date of Formation: 1 Nov 1966 State formed from part of Punjab.
Neighbouring States: Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarachal, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi,Rajasthan, Chabdigarh (UT)
Population: 25.353.981, Males: 13.505.130, Females: 11.847.971, Sex-ratio: 19.90%, Density: 573, Decadal Growth: 19.90%, Literacy: 16.904.324, (total 76.64%, male 85.38%, female 66.77%).
Legislative Bodie: State Legislature-Unicameral, Asembly Seats: 90, Parliament: Lok Sabha Seats:10 (8+2+0), Rajya Sabha Seats:5
No of Districts: 21, Villages: 6764, Towns: 106
Main Political Parties: INC, Indian National Lok Dal, BJP, BSP, NCP.
Seat of High Court: Chandigarh.
Chief Languages: Hindi, Punjabi.
Major Religions: Hinduism, Islamic, Christianity.
Main Towns: Gurgaon, Karnal, Rohtak, Hisar, Yamunanagar, Kaithal, Panipat, Kurukshetra, Faridabad, Sirsa, Rewari, Bhiwani, Narnaul, Mahendragarh, Sonepat.
(a) Rivers: Ghagoar, Yamuna
(b) Mountains: Lower Shiwallik Range, Rewhari Upland, Delhi Range
(c) Lakes: Sirajkhand, Badkhal, Chakarvaty
(d) National Park: Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary it is the 1st state in India to achieve 100% rural electrification.
(a) Minerals: Limestone, slate, dolomite, china clay, graphite and quartz
(b) Industries: cement, sugar, paper cotton, textiles, glassware brassware cycles tractors (largest production in the country), automobile tyres and tubes, timepieces, motorcycles, sanitary ware, steel tubes hand tools cotton yarn refrigerators vanaspati, television sets, ghee and canvas shoes
(c) Agricultural Products: Rice, Wheat maize bajra, cotton sugarcane barley potato and pulses. 75% people are occupied in agriculture.
Transport & Communications:
(a) Road Length:35.303km
(b) Main Railway Station: Kalka, Ambala, Panipat, Kurukshetra and Rohtak, jind, Jakhal. Hissar (Jagadhari-railway workshop)
(c) Airpots: Narnaul, Pinjore karnal, Hissar Bhiwani.
(a) Festivals: Holi, Teej, Diwali, Ggugga Pir, Sanjhi, Karva, Chauth-for women: Surakund-famous for popular crafts melaheld in February, Janmashtami Fair-Bhiwani Masani Fair-Gurgaon
(b) Crafts: Moorah making, khes, druggist, Punja durries.
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