General Awareness - Basic Chemistry - General Chemistry - Applied Chemistry Notes for All Competitive Exams - Part IV
- Water glass is a mixture of Sodium Silicate.
- The gas responsible for the Bhopal Gas Tragedy was Methyl Isocyanates.
- Phenol is used as an antiseptic.
- Bleaching powder is made from lime and chlorine.
- Graphite in nuclear reactors is used as moderator for neutrons.
- The element common to all acids is hydrogen.
- Calcium silicate is the main constituent of glass.
- The conversion of a substance directly from solid to vapor state is known as sublimation e.g. Camphor Iodine etc.
- Sodium benzoate is used for preservation purposes.
- Oxygen is was discovered by Priestley
- Heavy water, Graphite and Neutrons are used as Moderator in nuclear reactors.
- A mixture of water and Sodium chloride can be separated distillation.
- The particle that is used to trigger off the nuclear fission reaction is neutron.
- Excessive chlorination leads to pollution of water by producing HCL.
- Wax is rich in hydrocarbons.
- The most common type of radioactive disintegration involves β-particles.
- Acetylene and oxygen find application in gas welding.
- Anthracite is the purest form of mineral coal.
- CO2 is used in fire extinguishers.
- RDX and Nitroglycerine are explosives.
- Hydrogen is used in billing balloons
- Soap is prepared by boiling caustic soda with fats.
- The first known super conductor is Mercury.
- In a nuclear reactor uncontrolled fission reaction takes place.
- In the process of electroplating of an object with nickel the nickel is made anode while the object is made cathode.
- Radioactivity is due to unstable and heavy nucleus.
- Low combustion temperature and high calorific value are the feature of a good fuel.
- Atomic weight = Equivalent weight x valency.
- When an element burns in air. It is converted into a compound.
- The element present in the largest amount in rock and minerals is silicon.
- An element common in nichrome and German Silver is Nickel.
- Chloral when heated with cone H2S04 gives D.D.T.
- The setting of Plaster of Paris is due to hydration.
- Green vitriol is ferric sulphate (FeS047H2O). While blue vitriol is (CuS045H2O).
- Corborundum is used as an abrasive for cutting and grinding glasses.
- Maximum 'Gobar Gas' is produced during the rainy season.
- The boiling point of a liquid increases with boiling point of a liquid increases with increases of pressure.
- Combustion of candle is an example of exothermic reaction.
- Y-rays are used for sterilizing food stuffs controlling pests and cancer therapy.
- To check the flow of blood ferric chloride is used.
- Cryolite is a double - floride of Aluminium and Sodium.
- The Chemical name of the Lunar Caustic is Silver Nitrate (AgNO3)
- The total number of electrons in Ammonium Ion (NH4 +) is 10
- A fusion reaction is initiated by high temperature.
- Evaporation takes place at all temperatures from the surface and is accompanied by cooling.
- The gas used in refrigerators is Amonia.
- Zinc phosphate and zinc phosphate are used as rat poisons.
- Aluminium phosphate is used as pesticide.
- Bronze is an alloy of Cu and Sn. While Brass is that of Cu and Zn.
- Electro Static Precipitators (ESP) can help to reduce the menace of fly-ash.
- L.P.G. consists mainly of propane and butane.
- Geiger - Muller counter is a device for detecting radioactive materials.
- Chemically the bulk of biogas consists methane (CH4).
- In a fission reaction, a heavy atomic nucleus splits up with the emission of neutrons.
- The domestic cooking gas consists mostly of liquefied butane and isobutene.
- Natural gas predominately is methane.
- Gelatin is used in the manufacture of ice-cream prevent crystal growth.
- In Dead Sea, the boiling point of water will be maximum.
- The metals, which can be drawn into wires is called ducts.
- The mass of the proton is 1800 times that of an electron.
- Soaps are produced by the Saponification of fats with alkali solution.
- The lightest substance known is Hydrogen and the heaviest is Osmium.
- Alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol.
- The corrosion of Iron can be prevented by galvanizing and coating it with grease.
- Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) finds application in the preparation of bread, biscuits and vegetable ghee.
- Methyl alcohol causes blindness. When present in liquor.
- Magnesium is commonly extracted from seawater commercially.
- Nitrous Oxide (N20) is used as an anesthetic.
- The most common element by weight in Earth's crust is oxygen.
- When a solid metals, thermal energy is absorbed.
- Chromatography is the Science to Separate.
- Diamond is harder than graphite due to the difference in its crystalline structure.
- Plutonium is not found in nature.
- The substance whose aqueous solution will be better conductor of electricity than water is the common salt.
- Mercury 'is also known as Quick Silver.
- Enriched Uranium means natural uranium which has been coated with -235.
- At Kelvin zero the motion of the molecules ceases.
- At its melting point ice is lighter than water because Ice crystals have follow hexagonal arrangement of H20 molecule.
- Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid.
- A discharge of electricity through neon at low temperature produces an intense orange-red glow.
- When iron rusts its weights increases.
- Nuclear fusion is also known as ThermoNuclear reaction because in demands conditions of extremely high temperatures.
- Brownian Movement is observed in vessel containing gas and dust particles.
- H202 is stored in coloured bottles in order to prevent self-oxidation and reduction.
- In a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) the cathode rays emanate from cathode and travel forwards.
- All bicarbonates are soluble in water.
- Sulphuric acid is used as a dehydrating agent.
- Nichrome wire is used as a heating element in many appliances because it can be drawn into wires easily and it resists oxidation in air when red hot.
- Glycerin, in fact is an alcohol.
- In a common fluorescent tube mercury and organ are used
- The resinous substance, shellac is obtained from the distillation of wood.
- The element showing maximum tendency towards catenation is carbon.
- Among the fertilizers, urea has the maximum nitrogen content.
- Wood heated in an enclosed container will produce char coal.
- If the pH-values of an acid is lower it means it is stronger.
- The Chemical commonly used for preserving biological specimens is formaldehyde.
- The process of loss of electrons in a chemical reaction is called oxidation.
- A thermostat is a device used to maintain a constant temperature of a water bath or an oven.
- Sulphuric acid is often called the king of chemicals.
- Filter beds used to remove suspended impurities from municipal water consists of fine S and char coal and gravel.
- The evaporation of a liquid is accompanied by decrease in entropy.
- Isotopes are generally separated by distillation.
- When some salt is sprinkled on slab of ice, it does not melt readily.
- Catalyst in a chemical reaction generally helps to accelerate a reaction.
- D.D.T and Gammexane are insecticides.
- Cadmium rod is used in a reactor to absorb neutrons.
- German Silver is an alloy of Zn, Cu and Ni
- Alcohol mixed with water can be separated by the process of distillation.
- In a dry cell zinc and carbon act as electrodes.
- The process of apply in zinc is called galvanization.
- The oil in water is an example of suspension.
- Sun's energy is due to Nuclear Fusion in which Hydrogen is converted into Helium.
- The force of attraction - between like molecules is called cohesion
- Permanent hardness of water is due to the sulphates of Ca and Mg.
- Air is neither an element nor a compound but a mixture.
- A large amount of energy is released during nuclear fission because of a loss of Mass.
- Plaster of Paris (CaS04H2O) is basically gypsum ( CaS04 1/2 H20 ).
- Aqua regia is cone nitric acid and cone hydrochloric acid.
- Among the constituents of air, the largest in proportion is Nitrogen.
- Malathion is an insecticide.
- Lead is added to Petrol as an octane booster.
- The cosmic rays entering our atmosphere are almost entirely positively charged particles.
- Heating element in an electric heater is made of nichrome.
- A variety of glass used for optical purpose contains lead silicate.
- Vinyl plastics are used as adhesive.
- Heavy water (D20) is used in a reactor to slow down neutrons.
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are chemical compounds that find application in refrigeration and air conditioning.
- Rubber is a polymer of isoprene while Nylon is a polyamide.
- Two metals combine to form an alloy.
- The Freezing point of water decreases, when some soluble is dissolved in it.
- Boiling point of water increases with increase in pressure.
- The moderator in a nuclear reactor slows down the neutron to increase the probability of fission.
- Sodium is stored in Kerosene in order to avoid its evaporation.
- A tomb bomb is an example of nuclear fission reaction. While Hydrogen bomb is that of nuclear fusion reaction.
- Wrought Iron is purest type of Iron that contains least amount of carbon.
- In the Halogen family Iodine exists as solid and Bromine as liquid.
- The explosion of an atom bomb is caused by the un controlled fission reaction of U-23S.
- Salt solution in water is a good conductor of electricity.
- The best conductor of electricity is distilled water.
- γ-rays are electromagnetic radiations.
- Otto Hahn invented nuclear fission as well as atom bomb.
- In a fast breeder reactor. U-238 gets converted into plutonium-239.
- In a refrigerator cooling is produced by the evaporation of a volatile liquid.
- The charge carried by a proton is equal but opposite to that of an electron.
- Fire caused by petrol can be extinguished by foam. While due to electricity by carbon, tetrachloride (CCI4)
- Ethyl Alcohol (C2H5OH) is manufactured industrially by fermentation of cane sugar.
- Calcination is a process in which the ore is heated in absence of air.
- Change of liquid to gaseous sate is called vaporization.
- Diamond is the hardest natural occurring substance because of covalent bonds between its atoms.
- Lead provides a good protective shield against radioactivity.
- Detergents are made of sulphates.
- CO2 alone contributes to global warming
- Click For Part 1 | Part II | Part III
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